Travel Security is a broad category that can include
- Advance knowledge and training on how to travel safely in a specific location.
- Confirmation of a traveller’s wellbeing when they’re away from home.
- Security alerts related to the traveller’s location.
- Adequate travel insurance.
- Global Security Operations Centres (GSOCs), which are 24/7 call centres that will coordinate getting a traveller out of trouble.
Travel Security should be part of any employer’s overall duty-of-care policies and procedures for employees’ health and wellbeing.
For individual travellers, Travel Security helps you travel safely and gives your family and friends peace of mind.
Before we get into the scary bits...
Most of the time, travel goes fine. You’ve probably missed connections or had flights delayed or cancelled. You may have spent restless hours in airport
lounges, but you’ve most likely not been in danger.
Travel Security is all about preparedness and avoiding danger. It’s vital that individual travellers and travel managers receive real-time information
about global incidents that may affect them. On the rare occasion that something dangerous does occur, Travel Security prepares you to cope with it.
Collaboration works best
The best way to ensure employees are following security measures is through communication and training. Imposing measures, and insisting on them as a condition
of employment, doesn’t achieve the same level of cooperation as developing the policies with the team. Imposed policies can create an environment of resentment,
in which employees will do what they want anyway.
If you’re thinking of introducing new travel security procedures, we recommend you consult your travellers, get their feedback on the benefits or downsides,
and ask them how best to implement the procedures you collectively choose.
What is an employer’s duty of care for employees who travel?
This is a huge topic, and laws vary country by country. Most countries’ laws use words such as “taking reasonable care to ensure that employees are safe
when travelling for their employer”.
Not surprisingly, the United States leads the way in employees, or the dependants of deceased employees, suing employers for injury or death. For this
reason, as compared to other countries, US corporations may have more stringent travel safety procedures, more resources set aside to resolve dangerous
situations, and more employee security training.
Wherever you’re based, you can be pretty sure there will be consequences for your company if an employee is injured or dies whilst travelling for you.
If you can document that you had security measures in place, and you followed those measures, it may reduce your liability.
Global Security Operations Centres
GSOCs are generally 24/7 call centres that are expert in assisting people in trouble. Some providers are large enough, for example, to have their own aircraft
to evacuate employees. Others act as coordinators, using sub-contractors to carry out rescues.
Either way, rescue services will mean additional costs. So in addition to having access to a 24/7 GSOC, you must also have adequate funding or insurance
to cover these costs.
GSOCs also have expert knowledge of when, for example, the best option is to shelter in place, rather than evacuate.
A side note...
Travel Tracking is also a major component of Travel Security. See the Travel Tracking tools page.
In conclusion...
Put travel security procedures in place in a manner that encourages folks to follow them. Be prepared. Stay safe out there. Please.
Mia Bazo’s Travel Security services include
- Country Guides, which advise travellers how to stay safe in their destination.
- Real-time Security Alerts for global incidents that could affect a traveller.
- Automated daily security check-ins and confirmations, by text or email.
- Travel Tracking.
Our partners offer travel insurance and access to Global Security Operations Centres.